5 Steps to Help You Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

5 Steps to Help You Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

Getting our teeth cleaned is usually not a bucket list item, and getting dental surgery is not a walk in the park, but dental check-ups are necessary to keep our mouths healthy. Not many people look forward to going to the dentist, but many will tolerate it, while...
One Good Floss a Day Keeps the Dentist Away

One Good Floss a Day Keeps the Dentist Away

Flossing. It’s dental care 101. And you should do it every single day. The American Dental Association recommends daily flossing, and the U.S. The Department of Health and Human Services emphasizes its importance, and your Utah family dentist will undoubtedly...
The Lowdown on Rinsing your Teeth After Brushing

The Lowdown on Rinsing your Teeth After Brushing

You probably brush your teeth now the same way you’ve been doing it your whole life. Brush, spit, rinse. You may have had a brushing clock in the bathroom to remind you to brush long enough when you were little, or perhaps a teacher or parent taught you a fun...

Teeth Cleaning Procedures

Sometimes regular brushing just isn’t enough. A good, professional teeth cleaning helps remove plaque that could lead to cavities, gingivitis, or periodontal disease. Professional teeth cleaning, known as “prophylaxis,” is a procedure to remove mineralized plaque or...

How Often Should I Get My Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

People of centuries past would often only visit their dentist for remedies instead of prevention. Nowadays, visiting the dentist is a must to maintain good oral health and remedy problems before they even arise. But how often should you visit the dentist to maintain a...

Maximizing Your Dentist Visit

Check your dental insurance Each dental insurance provider or plan varies. Before you schedule an dentist checkup, contact your dental insurance provider to see what your plan covers. That way you know ahead of time what dentists are included in your network, and...

5 Reasons to get Your Teeth Cleaned

Did you know that the health of your mouth can be an indicator of your overall well-being? Your oral health can help determine if you have underlying health problems while poor oral health can also lead to health problems. Hence, bi-annual visits to your dentist are...

What Do Dentists Do When They Clean?

In addition to daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing, it is important to visit your dentist at least bi-annually. This will ensure that you prevent plague or tartar development, and gum related ailments. Tartar is a tough substance that develops on the surface of the...

Toothbrushes and Oral Prophylaxis

Oral health is a must for everyone. We all know that we’re supposed to brush twice a day, floss, and rinse. Proper oraly hygiene habits are beneficial for you as it removes food debris and other plaque inducing compositions from our mouth. Brushing your teeth removes...

What Tools Are Used for Dental Cleaning?

Brushing your teeth and flossing sometimes just isn’t enough to completely clean the teeth of tartar. Professional teeth cleaning, an oral hygiene practice, involves removing plaque from your teeth to prevent cavities, gingivitis, and other periodontal diseases....