Utah Family Dentist Blog
9 Fascinating Facts About Teeth
Teeth—we all have them, but how much do we know about them? From their pearly white shine to their essential role in our daily lives, teeth are far more fascinating than we give them credit for. There's more going on...
5 Quick Flossing Facts for Everyone
When it comes to oral health, small, everyday habits often have the most significant impact. Your Utah dentist is there for routine cleanings, check-ups, and any specialized treatments you may need, but the real work...
7 Frequently Asked Questions Answered by Dentists
Thinking about going to the dentist can cause crippling fear for some people. According to the National Library of Medicine, 36% of the population experience dental fear or anxiety, with 12% suffering from extreme fear...
Braces Only on Top Teeth? What You Need to Know
You may be considering braces or Invisalign at your local Davis County cosmetic dentistry and want to know if getting them on your upper teeth alone is wise. Sometimes the answer is yes, and sometimes the answer is no....
5 Dental Specialities and Their Roles
It’s easy to make dental appointments with your West Haven dentist for standard cleanings every six months. However, there are many other reasons to see a dentist beyond the standard semiannual cleanings. How do you...
Exploring the Impact of Exercise on Dental Health
We’ve all seen captivating weight-loss transformation videos when people hit the gym regularly. We’ve had the benefits of exercise drilled into us since grade school. Exercise can prevent heart disease, cancer, and...