We at Felt Family Dentistry are proud to be work-a-holics. Our strong work ethic and strong team are what set us apart from the rest. With a team of dedicated work-a-holics, our staff’s reliable diligence is what makes us shine.
Interestingly enough, did you know there is such a thing as Work-a-Holic’s Day?
Do you find yourself always eager to be productive, even on your day off? Do you often find yourself opting for extra work hours versus time in the outdoors? Is work the first thing on your mind when you wake up or the last thought as you fall asleep? There’s no denying it. If you answered yes to these, many of us are certified work-a-holics.
While it can be good to love what you do, healthy downtime can good for the soul. This Work-a-Holic’s Day, why not get in some family time? Perhaps go out with friends?
The world aims to offer a light-hearted break for work-a-holics across the globe through the celebration of Work-a-holic Day. On July 5, work-a-holics everywhere can let their hair down and relax. If you’re fortunate enough to have the day off, how will you spend it?