While gum problems are more likely to occur in adults than kids, that does not mean that children and young adults are immune from developing gum problems.
Periodontitis is a severe gum problem which may destroy the bone and the gums which support your teeth. Juvenile periodontitis is a rare occurrence in children and teenagers. However, kids can suffer early on from oral issues that lead to periodontitis, like gingivitis.
What are the risks of juvenile periodontitis?
Periodontitis is commonly caused by poor oral hygiene. Poor or infrequent teeth brushing can allow plaque to build up. As plaque continues to build it can harden under the gums. This is where the trouble begins.
How will I know if my kids have gum problems?
Check your kids’ mouth for any signs of swollen gums, gums that pull away from the teeth, or bad breath. Additionally, schedule regular checkups for your kids with their favorite kid’s dentist. Regular checkups can prevent or identify issues early on.
How can you prevent gingivitis or juvenile periodontitis?
Good dental care is the best treatment to prevent gingivitis, bleeding gums, or other oral health issues. Help them learn healthy oral habits by leading by example. Make sure that your youngsters are brushing their teeth at least twice a day. Remember to remind your child to brush in gentle strokes, with either vertical movement or circular motion.
Don’t forget to visit regularly your dentist. With convenient locations in Davis and Weber Counties, Felt Family Dentistry can help you and your kiddos keep a healthy mouth. With our locations in Layton and West Haven, we proudly serve the greater West Haven through Kaysville areas.