Even if you take excellent care of your teeth, there may come a time when you need to get a tooth extracted. While there are many reasons a tooth may need to be removed, with a little preparation, you can feel more comfortable and safe about the whole process.

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Prior to the operation, you should sit down with your dentist to talk about the procedure. Your dentist should explain why the tooth needs to come out and provide you with information on any precautions you should take before the procedure.
When you meet with your dentist, you should tell him or her about any medications you are taking or any systemic disorders you have. You should also let them know if you are allergic to any medications or anesthetics. They should be aware if you have had bacterial endocarditis or if you have an artificial heart valve or joints.
Medical history and information should be shared with your dentist to help prevent any complications during the procedure. This knowledge will also help your dentist be aware of any potential side effects you may face. You should ask your dentist about the anesthetic they will use during the procedure so you can determine if you need to have someone drive you home afterward.
Taking care of the affected area after the procedure is of the utmost importance. Your dentist should provide you with instructions for what you need to do to have a fast and problem-free recovery.
Be sure you have all of the supplies needed for caring for yourself after the procedure. This list may include medications you need for recovering, ice to help reduce swelling, soft foods to eat, and extra gauze to control bleeding. If you are a smoker, you should plan on avoiding smoking during recovery. Tooth extraction patients should also avoid spitting as much as possible and should not use a straw. Doing so could break free blood clots and cause the hole where the tooth was to bleed.
During the recovery period, you should see your dentist if you experience excessive bleeding, fever, or prolonged swelling. If you feel severe pain that can’t be managed in the days following your extraction, you should visit your dentist to make sure the blood clot hasn’t become dislodged and caused dry socket.
While getting a tooth extracted may seem stressful, if you take the necessary steps to prepare ahead of time, you can feel comfort in knowing that you are ready for what’s to come.