Veteran’s Day is an opportunity to thank those that served, from all walks of life, of different age and gender. Yes, we thank the soldiers for their heroic act of being on the frontline, ready to give up their lives to protect us from harm and to allow us to live our daily, “normal” lives. They, on the other hand, are brave to do their duty all the while wishing to be home to hug their family. That is a big sacrifice, but they do it proudly.
We, at Felt Family Dentistry, understand all these sacrifices as one of our dental hygienist, Shaylee, is a veteran herself. She has shared some of her experiences and sacrifices and it is truly heart warming. For Shaylee, and every soldier and veteran, deserves to big thank you.
Sometimes you want to do more though. There are many ways to express thanks. Here are some of them.
- Donate to USO. USO is an organization that aims to help soldiers and their families. Donating to them or by buying products that support the organization offers a simple way of saying thank you.
- Place flowers on the graves of veterans. It doesn’t matter if you knew them, but putting flowers on their grave is a generous gesture.
- If you are a business owner, offer discounts for veterans.
- Gather your friends and make a presentation or a program for veterans care homes. They are often forgotten. This is an easy way to make them feel loved and thought of.
- Volunteer to take care of pets, landscaping, homes, etc. of neighborhood veterans that are being deployed.
- Wear red, white and blue on Veteran’s day.
- Support organizations and charities that support soldiers and veterans alike.
- If you know a veteran or a soldier that is unable to drive around, offer them a ride when you can to help them take care of errands, chores, etc.
- Teach your children about the importance of thanking our veterans and soldiers.
- Help a soldier’s spouse anyway you can. Being left alone to take care of the house while the husband or wife is on duty can be difficult.
- Volunteer to help in organizations and charities supporting soldiers and veterans.
- Volunteer at a VA Hospital.
These are just little things but they can go a long way. Often times the smallest gestures mean the most to someone.