What is a Dental Tooth Filling?

Tooth fillings are a way to fix and restore damaged teeth and bring them back to their normal shape and function. Your dentist will first clean out and remove the decay. The hollowed tooth cavity can then be filled to close off the hollows and spaces where bacteria...

Different Types of Tooth Fillings

There are several types of tooth fillings that have been used over the years. The varying types of tooth fillings provide varying durability and aesthetic benefits. To help you learn more about tooth fillings, here are the varying uses and benefits of the different...

How to Care For Your Tooth Fillings?

Knowing how to take care of your tooth fillings will ensure that the fillings will last for a long time. As with regular oral hygiene, you still need to brush your teeth at least twice a day, use a fluoride toothpaste, regularly floss at least once a day, and use an...

Tooth Colored Fillings

Dental restoration is the process of restoring the integrity and function of a tooth structure that is damaged or missing due to decay. The restoration of a tooth’s function and form requires the preparation of the tooth and the placement of restorative materials,...

Varying Factors of Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are needed to preserve the health of the teeth and to prevent further damage once decay has set in. Without tooth fillings, further loss of the tooth may occur, and decay may reach the roots, causing the need for a root canal. Tooth Fillings is one of...

When Do You Need a Tooth Filling?

Only your trusted dentist can properly diagnose a cavity. This can be identified upon check-up. Your dentist will use a small mirror to look closely on the surface of your teeth. If the dentist sees anything abnormal, they might recommend an x-ray for further...

When Are Tooth Fillings Needed?

A tooth filling is a procedure of restoring a damaged tooth to the normal shape and function. Tooth damages are caused by decay or cracking. Tooth decay may be caused by several factors that include not brushing and flossing regularly, eating food high in sugar,...

What Causes Cavities That Lead To Needing Tooth Fillings

Tooth colored fillings are required to restore a damaged tooth to its normal function and shape after it was damaged by cracking, chipping or by tooth decay. Tooth decay results to cavities which, when untreated, could lead to further tooth damage, root damage, or...